Vocabulary : Semiradial to Semispheric
Semiradial : Half radial.
Semiradial engine : See Radial engine, above.
Semirecondite : Half hidden or half covered; said of the head of an insect when half covered by the shield of the thorax.
Semiring : One of the incomplete rings of the upper part of the bronchial tubes of most birds. The semerings form an essential part of the syrinx, or musical organ, of singing birds.
Semisavage : Half savage. ;; One who is half savage.
Semi-Saxon : Half Saxon; -- specifically applied to the language intermediate between Saxon and English, belonging to the period 1150-1250.
Semisextile : An aspect of the planets when they are distant from each other the twelfth part of a circle, or thirty degrees.
Semisolid : Partially solid.
Semisoun : A half sound; a low tone.
Semispheric : Alt. of Semispherical
: Semispherical, Semispheroidal, Semisteel, Semita, Semitae, Semitangent, Semite, Semiterete, Semitertian, Semitic
: Semipenniform, Semiperspicuous, Semiphlogisticated, Semiplume, Semiprecious, Semiproof, Semiquadrate, Semiquartile, Semiquaver, Semiquintile
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary