Vocabulary : Semivitreous to Semolino
Semivitreous : Partially vitreous.
Semivitrification : The quality or state of being semivitrified. ;; A substance imperfectly vitrified.
Semivitrified : Half or imperfectly vitrified; partially converted into glass.
Semivocal : Of or pertaining to a semivowel; half cocal; imperfectly sounding.
Semivowel : A sound intermediate between a vowel and a consonant, or partaking of the nature of both, as in the English w and y. ;; The sign or letter representing such a sound.
Semiweekly : Coming, or made, or done, once every half week; as, a semiweekly newspaper; a semiweekly trip. ;; That which comes or happens once every half week, esp. a semiweekly periodical. ;; At intervals of half a week each.
Semnifical : Forming or producing seed, or the male generative product of animals or of plants.
Semolella : See Semolina.
Semolina : The fine, hard parts of wheat, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, -- used in cookery.
Semolino : Same as Semolina.
: Semopermanent, Semoule, Sempervirent, Sempervive, Sempervivum, Sempiternal, Sempiterne, Sempiternity, Sempre, Sempster
: Semitism, Semitone, Semitonic, Semitontine, Semitransept, Semitranslucent, Semitransparency, Semitransparent, Semiverticillate, Semivif
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary