Vocabulary : Sess to Sestetto
Sess : To lay a tax upon; to assess. ;; A tax; an assessment. See Cess.Sessa : Hurry; run.
Sessile : Attached without any sensible projecting support. ;; Resting directly upon the main stem or branch, without a petiole or footstalk; as, a sessile leaf or blossom. ;; Permanently attached; -- said of the gonophores of certain hydroids which never became detached.
Sessile-eyed : Having eyes which are not elevated on a stalk; -- opposed to stalk-eyed.
Session : The act of sitting, or the state of being seated. ;; The actual sitting of a court, council, legislature, etc., or the actual assembly of the members of such a body, for the transaction of business. ;; Hence, also, the time, period, or term during which a court, council, legislature, etc., meets daily for business; or, the space of time between the first meeting and the prorogation or adjournment; thus, a session of Parliaments is opened with a speech from the throne, and closed by prorogation. The session of a judicial court is called a term.