Vocabulary : Sewerage to Sexagesima

Sewerage : The construction of a sewer or sewers. ;; The system of sewers in a city, town, etc.; the general drainage of a city or town by means of sewers. ;; The material collected in, and discharged by, sewers.
Sewin : Same as Sewen.
Sewing : of Sew ;; The act or occupation of one who sews. ;; That which is sewed with the needle.
Sewn : of Sew
Sewster : A seamstress.
Sex : The distinguishing peculiarity of male or female in both animals and plants; the physical difference between male and female; the assemblage of properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female. ;; One of the two divisions of organic beings formed on the distinction of male and female. ;; The capability in plants of fertilizing or of being fertilized; as, staminate and pistillate flowers are of opposite sexes. ;; One of the groups founded on this distinction.
Sex- : A combining form meaning six; as, sexdigitism; sexennial.
Sexagenarian : A person who is sixty years old.
Sexagenary : Pertaining to, or designating, the number sixty; poceeding by sixties; sixty years old. ;; Something composed of sixty parts or divisions. ;; A sexagenarian.
Sexagesima : The second Sunday before Lent; -- so called as being about the sixtieth day before Easter.
Next : Sexagesimal, Sexangle, Sexangled, Sexangular, Sexangularly, Sexavalent, Sexdigitism, Sexdigitist, Sexed, Sexenary
Previous : Sevres blue, Sevres ware, Sew, Sewage, Sewe, Sewed, Sewel, Sewellel, Sewen, Sewer
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