Vocabulary : Sheep-headed to Sheep-shearer
Sheep-headed : Silly; simple-minded; stupid.
Sheephook : A hook fastened to pole, by which shepherds lay hold on the legs or necks of their sheep; a shepherd's crook.
Sheepish : Of or pertaining to sheep. ;; Like a sheep; bashful; over-modest; meanly or foolishly diffident; timorous to excess.
Sheepmaster : A keeper or feeder of sheep; also, an owner of sheep.
Sheeprack : The starling.
Sheep's-eye : A modest, diffident look; a loving glance; -- commonly in the plural.
Sheep's-foot : A printer's tool consisting of a metal bar formed into a hammer head at one end and a claw at the other, -- used as a lever and hammer.
Sheepshank : A hitch by which a rope may be temporarily shortened.
Sheepshead : A large and valuable sparoid food fish (Archosargus, / Diplodus, probatocephalus) found on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It often weighs from ten to twelve pounds.
Sheep-shearer : One who shears, or cuts off the wool from, sheep.
: Sheep-shearing, Sheepskin, Sheepsplit, Sheepy, Sheer, Sheered, Sheering, Sheerly, Sheerwater, Sheet
: Sheeny, Sheep, Sheepback, Sheepberry, Sheepbite, Sheepbiter, Sheepcot, Sheepcote, Sheep-faced, Sheepfold
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary