Vocabulary : Shemitism to Shepherded
Shemitism : See Semitism.
Shend : To injure, mar, spoil, or harm. ;; To blame, reproach, or revile; to degrade, disgrace, or put to shame.
Shendful : Destructive; ruinous; disgraceful.
Shending : of Shend
Shendship : Harm; ruin; also, reproach; disgrace.
Shent : of Shend ;; obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Shend, for shendeth. ;; To shend.
Sheol : The place of departed spirits; Hades; also, the grave.
Shepen : A stable; a shippen.
Shepherd : A man employed in tending, feeding, and guarding sheep, esp. a flock grazing at large. ;; The pastor of a church; one with the religious guidance of others. ;; To tend as a shepherd; to guard, herd, lead, or drive, as a shepherd.
Shepherded : of Shepherd
: Shepherdess, Shepherdia, Shepherdias, Shepherding, Shepherdish, Shepherdism, Shepherdling, Shepherdly, Shepster, Sherardize
: Sheltie, Shelty, Shelve, Shelved, Shelves, Shelving, Shelvy, Shemite, Shemitic, Shemitish
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary