Vocabulary : Shrewmouse to Shright
Shrewmouse : A shrew; especially, the erd shrew.
Shriek : To utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry, as do some birds and beasts; to scream, as in a sudden fright, in horror or anguish. ;; To utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek or shrieks. ;; A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like.
Shrieked : of Shriek
Shrieker : One who utters a shriek.
Shrieking : of Shriek
Shrieval : Of or pertaining to a sheriff.
Shrievalty : The office, or sphere of jurisdiction, of a sheriff; sheriffalty.
Shrieve : A sheriff. ;; To shrive; to question.
Shrift : The act of shriving. ;; Confession made to a priest, and the absolution consequent upon it.
Shright : imp. & p. p. of Shriek. ;; A shriek; shrieking.
: Shrike, Shrill, Shrilled, Shrill-gorged, Shrilling, Shrillness, Shrill-tongued, Shrilly, Shrimp, Shrimper
: Shrapnel, Shred, Shredcook, Shredded, Shredding, Shreddy, Shredless, Shrew, Shrewd, Shrewish
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary