Vocabulary : Sideroscope to Sidetrack
Sideroscope : An instrument for detecting small quantities of iron in any substance by means of a very delicate combination of magnetic needles.
Siderosis : A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron.
Siderostat : An apparatus consisting essentially of a mirror moved by clockwork so as to throw the rays of the sun or a star in a fixed direction; -- a more general term for heliostat.
Sideroxylon : A genus of tropical sapotaceous trees noted for their very hard wood; ironwood.
Sidesaddle : A saddle for women, in which the rider sits with both feet on one side of the animal mounted.
Side-slip : See Skid, below.
Sidesman : A party man; a partisan. ;; An assistant to the churchwarden; a questman.
Sidesmen : of Sidesman
Side-taking : A taking sides, as with a party, sect, or faction.
Sidetrack : To transfer to a siding from a main line of track. ;; Hence, fig., to divert or reduce to a position or condition that is relatively secondary or subordinate in activity, importance, effectiveness, or the like; to switch off; to turn aside, as from a purpose.
: Sidetracked, Sidetracking, Sidewalk, Sideways, Side-wheel, Sidewinder, Sidewise, Siding, Sidle, Sidled
: Sidereal, Siderealize, Sidereous, Siderite, Siderographic, Siderographical, Siderographist, Siderography, Siderolite, Sideromancy
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary