Vocabulary : Sifting to Sight

Sifting : of Sift
Sig : Urine.
Sigaultian : Pertaining to Sigault, a French physician. See Symphyseotomy.
Sigger : Same as
Sigh : To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, or the like. ;; Hence, to lament; to grieve. ;; To make a sound like sighing. ;; To exhale (the breath) in sighs. ;; To utter sighs over; to lament or mourn over. ;; To express by sighs; to utter in or with sighs. ;; A deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued or grieved; the act of sighing. ;; Figuratively, a manifestation of grief; a lan/ent.
Sigh-born : Sorrowful; mournful.
Sighed : of Sigh
Sigher : One who sighs.
Sighing : of Sigh ;; Uttering sighs; grieving; lamenting.
Sight : The act of seeing; perception of objects by the eye; view; as, to gain sight of land. ;; The power of seeing; the faculty of vision, or of perceiving objects by the instrumentality of the eyes. ;; The state of admitting unobstructed vision; visibility; open view; region which the eye at one time surveys; space through which the power of vision extends; as, an object within sight. ;; A spectacle; a view; a show; something worth seeing. ;; The instrument of seeing; the eye. ;; Inspection; examination; as, a letter intended for the sight of only one person. ;; Mental view; opinion; judgment; as, in their sight it was harmless. ;; A small aperture through which objects are to be seen, and by which their direction is settled or ascertained; as, the sight of a quadrant. ;; A small piece of metal, fixed or movable, on the breech, muzzle, center, or trunnion of a gun, or on the breech and the muzzle of a rifle, pistol, etc., by means of which the eye is guided in aiming. ;; In a drawing, picture, etc., that part of t
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