Vocabulary : Signor to Sikerness
Signor : Alt. of Signore
Signora : Madam; Mrs; -- a title of address or respect among the Italians.
Signore : Sir; Mr.; -- a title of address or respect among the Italians. Before a noun the form is Signor.
Signorina : Miss; -- a title of address among the Italians.
Signpost : A post on which a sign hangs, or on which papers are placed to give public notice of anything.
Sik : Alt. of Sike
Sike : Such. See Such. ;; A gutter; a stream, such as is usually dry in summer. ;; A sick person. ;; To sigh. ;; A sigh.
Siker : Sure; certain; trusty. ;; Surely; certainly. ;; Alt. of Sikerness
Sikerly : Surely; securely. ;; Alt. of Sikerness
Sikerness : The quality or state of being sicker, or certain. ;; See 2d Sicker, Sickerly, etc.
: Sikhs, Silage, Sile, Silence, Silenced, Silencer, Silencing, Silene, Silent, Silentiary
: Significatory, Significavit, Signified, Signify, Signifying, Signing, Signior, Signiorize, Signiorship, Signiory
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary