Vocabulary : Silicated to Silicified
Silicated : Combined or impregnated with silicon or silica; as, silicated hydrogen; silicated rocks.
Silicatization : Silicification.
Silicea : Same as Silicoidea.
Siliceous : Of or pertaining to silica; containing silica, or partaking of its nature.
Silicic : Pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, silica; specifically, designating compounds of silicon; as, silicic acid.
Silicicalcareous : Consisting of silica and calcareous matter.
Silicide : A binary compound of silicon, or one regarded as binary.
Siliciferous : Producing silica; united with silica.
Silicification : Thae act or process of combining or impregnating with silicon or silica; the state of being so combined or impregnated; as, the silicification of wood.
Silicified : Combined or impregnated with silicon or silica, especially the latter; as, silicified wood. ;; of Silicify
: Silicify, Silicifying, Silicioidea, Silicious, Silicispongiae, Silicited, Silicium, Siliciureted, Silicle, Silico-
: Silentious, Silently, Silentness, Silenus, Silesia, Silesian, Silex, Silhouette, Silica, Silicate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary