Vocabulary : Simoniac to Simoon
Simoniac : One who practices simony, or who buys or sells preferment in the church.
Simoniacal : Of or pertaining to simony; guilty of simony; consisting of simony.
Simonial : Simoniacal.
Simonian : One of the followers of Simon Magus; also, an adherent of certain heretical sects in the early Christian church.
Simonious : Simoniacal.
Simonist : One who practices simony.
Simon-pure : Genuine; true; real; authentic; -- a term alluding to the comedy character Simon Pure, who is impersonated by another and is obliged to prove himself to be the "real Simon Pure."
Simony : The crime of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferment; the corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice for money or reward.
Simoom : Alt. of Simoon
Simoon : A hot, dry, suffocating, dust-laden wind, that blows occasionally in Arabia, Syria, and neighboring countries, generated by the extreme heat of the parched deserts or sandy plains.
: Simous, Simpai, Simper, Simpered, Simperer, Simpering, Simperingly, Simple, Simple-hearted, Simple-minded
: Similiter, Similitude, Similitudinary, Similize, Similor, Simitar, Simmer, Simmered, Simmering, Simnel
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary