Vocabulary : Simplist to Simular
Simplist : One skilled in simples, or medicinal plants; a simpler.
Simplistic : Of or pertaining to simples, or a simplist.
Simplity : Simplicity.
Simploce : See Symploce.
Simply : In a simple manner or state; considered in or by itself; without addition; along; merely; solely; barely. ;; Plainly; without art or subtlety. ;; Weakly; foolishly.
Simulacher : Alt. of Simulachre
Simulachre : See Simulacrum.
Simulacra : of Simulacrum
Simulacrum : A likeness; a semblance; a mock appearance; a sham; -- now usually in a derogatory sense.
Simular : One who pretends to be what he is not; one who, or that which, simulates or counterfeits something; a pretender. ;; False; specious; counterfeit.
: Simulate, Simulated, Simulating, Simulation, Simulator, Simulatory, Simultaneity, Simultaneous, Simulty, Sin
: Simpleness, Simpler, Simpless, Simpleton, Simplician, Simplicity, Simplification, Simplified, Simplify, Simplifying
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary