Vocabulary : Siphonia to Siphonophora
Siphonia : A former name for a euphorbiaceous genus (Hevea) of South American trees, the principal source of caoutchouc. ;; of Siphonium
Siphoniata : Same as Siphonata.
Siphonic : Of or pertaining to a siphon.
Siphonifer : Any cephalopod having a siphonate shell.
Siphoniferous : Siphon-bearing, as the shell of the nautilus and other cephalopods.
Siphonium : A bony tube which, in some birds, connects the tympanium with the air chambers of the articular piece of the mandible.
Siphonobranchiata : A tribe of gastropods having the mantle border, on one or both sides, prolonged in the form of a spout through which water enters the gill cavity. The shell itself is not always siphonostomatous in this group.
Siphonobranchiate : Having a siphon, or siphons, to convey water to the gills; belonging or pertaining to the Siphonobranchiata. ;; One of the Siphonobranchiata.
Siphonoglyphe : A gonidium.
Siphonophora : An order of pelagic Hydrozoa including species which form complex free-swimming communities composed of numerous zooids of various kinds, some of which act as floats or as swimming organs, others as feeding or nutritive zooids, and others as reproductive zooids. See Illust. under Physallia, and Porpita.
: Siphonophoran, Siphonophore, Siphonopoda, Siphonostomata, Siphonostomatous, Siphonostome, Siphorhinal, Siphorhinian, Siphuncle, Siphuncled
: Sipe, Siphilis, Siphoid, Siphon, Siphonage, Siphonal, Siphonarid, Siphonata, Siphonate, Siphonet
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary