Vocabulary : Sirius to Sirup

Sirius : The Dog Star. See Dog Star.
Sirkeer : Any one of several species of Asiatic cuckoos of the genus Taccocua, as the Bengal sirkeer (T. sirkee).
Sirloin : A loin of beef, or a part of a loin.
Sirname : See Surname.
Siroc : See Sirocco.
Sirocco : In general, any hot dry wind of cyclonic origin, blowing from arid or heated regions, including the desert wind of Southern California, the harmattan of the west coasts of Africa, the hot winds of Kansas and Texas, the kamsin of Egypt, the leste of the Madeira Islands, and the leveche of Spain. ;; An oppressive, relaxing wind from the Libyan deserts, chiefly experienced in Italy, Malta, and Sicily.
Siroccos : of Sirocco
Sirrah : A term of address implying inferiority and used in anger, contempt, reproach, or disrespectful familiarity, addressed to a man or boy, but sometimes to a woman. In sililoquies often preceded by ah. Not used in the plural.
Sirt : A quicksand.
Sirup : Alt. of Syrup
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