Vocabulary : Skittle-dog to Skolezite

Skittle-dog : The piked dogfish.
Skittles : An English game resembling ninepins, but played by throwing wooden disks, instead of rolling balls, at the pins.
Skitty : A rail; as, the water rail (called also skitty cock, and skitty coot); the spotted crake (Porzana maruetta), and the moor hen.
Skive : The iron lap used by diamond polishers in finishing the facets of the gem. ;; To pare or shave off the rough or thick parts of (hides or leather).
Skiver : An inferior quality of leather, made of split sheepskin, tanned by immersion in sumac, and dyed. It is used for hat linings, pocketbooks, bookbinding, etc. ;; The cutting tool or machine used in splitting leather or skins, as sheepskins.
Skiving : The act of paring or splitting leather or skins. ;; A piece made in paring or splitting leather; specifically, the part from the inner, or flesh, side.
Sklayre : A vell.
Sklere : To shelter; to cover.
Skolecite : Alt. of Skolezite
Skolezite : See Scolecite.
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