Vocabulary : Slattern to Slaughterhouse
Slattern : A woman who is negligent of her dress or house; one who is not neat and nice. ;; Resembling a slattern; sluttish; slatterny. ;; To consume carelessly or wastefully; to waste; -- with away.
Slatternliness : The quality or state of being slatternly; slovenliness; untidiness.
Slatternly : Resembling a slattern; sluttish; negligent; dirty. ;; In a slatternly manner.
Slatterpouch : A dance or game played by boys, requiring active exercise.
Slatting : of Slat ;; Slats, collectively. ;; The violent shaking or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail, when being hauled down.
Slaty : Resembling slate; having the nature, appearance, or properties, of slate; composed of thin parallel plates, capable of being separated by splitting; as, a slaty color or texture.
Slaughter : The act of killing. ;; The extensive, violent, bloody, or wanton destruction of life; carnage. ;; The act of killing cattle or other beasts for market. ;; To visit with great destruction of life; to kill; to slay in battle. ;; To butcher; to kill for the market, as beasts.
Slaughtered : of Slaughter
Slaughterer : One who slaughters.
Slaughterhouse : A house where beasts are butchered for the market.
: Slaughtering, Slaughterman, Slaughtermen, Slaughterous, Slav, Slave, Slaveborn, Slaved, Slaveholder, Slaveholding
: Slatch, Slate, Slate-color, Slated, Slate-gray, Slater, Slating, Slatt, Slatted, Slatter
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary