Vocabulary : Sleevehand to Sleightful
Sleevehand : The part of a sleeve nearest the hand; a cuff or wristband.
Sleeveless : Having no sleeves. ;; Wanting a cover, pretext, or palliation; unreasonable; profitless; bootless; useless.
Sleeving : of Sleeve
Sleid : To sley, or prepare for use in the weaver's sley, or slaie.
Sleided : of Sleid
Sleiding : of Sleid
Sleigh : Sly. ;; A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice; -- in England commonly called a sledge.
Sleighing : The act of riding in a sleigh. ;; The state of the snow or ice which admits of running sleighs.
Sleight : Cunning; craft; artful practice. ;; An artful trick; sly artifice; a feat so dexterous that the manner of performance escapes observation. ;; Dexterous practice; dexterity; skill.
Sleightful : Cunning; dexterous.
: Sleightly, Sleighty, Slender, Slent, Slep, Slepez, Slept, Sleuth, Sleuthhound, Slew
: Sleer, Sleet, Sleetch, Sleeted, Sleetiness, Sleeting, Sleety, Sleeve, Sleeved, Sleevefish
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary