Vocabulary : Slub to Sludge acid
Slub : A roll of wool slightly twisted; a rove; -- called also slubbing. ;; To draw out and twist slightly; -- said of slivers of wool.
Slubbed : of Slub
Slubber : To do lazily, imperfectly, or coarsely. ;; To daub; to stain; to cover carelessly. ;; A slubbing machine.
Slubberdegullion : A mean, dirty wretch.
Slubbered : of Slubber
Slubbering : of Slubber
Slubberingly : In a slovenly, or hurried and imperfect, manner.
Slubbing : of Slub ;; a. & n. from Slub.
Sludge : Anything resembling mud or slush; as: (a) A muddy or slimy deposit from sweage. (b) Mud from a drill hole in boring. (c) Muddy sediment in a steam boiler. (d) Settling of cottonseed oil, used in making soap, etc. (e) A residuum of crude paraffin-oil distillation. ;; Mud; mire; soft mud; slush. ;; Small floating pieces of ice, or masses of saturated snow. ;; See Slime, 4.
Sludge acid : Impure dark-colored sulphuric acid that has been used in the refining of petroleum.
: Sludger, Sludy, Slue, Slued, Slug, Slugabed, Sluggard, Sluggardize, Sluggardy, Slugged
: Slowenly, Slowh, Slowhound, Slowing, Slowly, Slowness, Slows, Slow-witted, Slowworm, Sloyd
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary