Vocabulary : Smallsword to Smart
Smallsword : A light sword used for thrusting only; especially, the sword worn by civilians of rank in the eighteenth century.
Smally : In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness.
Smalt : A deep blue pigment or coloring material used in various arts. It is a vitreous substance made of cobalt, potash, and calcined quartz fused, and reduced to a powder.
Smalt-blue : Deep blue, like smalt.
Smaltine : Alt. of Smaltite
Smaltite : A tin-white or gray mineral of metallic luster. It is an arsenide of cobalt, nickel, and iron. Called also speiskobalt.
Smaragd : The emerald.
Smaragdine : Of or pertaining to emerald; resembling emerald; of an emerald green.
Smaragdite : A green foliated kind of amphibole, observed in eclogite and some varietis of gabbro.
Smart : To feel a lively, pungent local pain; -- said of some part of the body as the seat of irritation; as, my finger smarts; these wounds smart. ;; To feel a pungent pain of mind; to feel sharp pain or grief; to suffer; to feel the sting of evil. ;; To cause a smart in. ;; Quick, pungent, lively pain; a pricking local pain, as the pain from puncture by nettles. ;; Severe, pungent pain of mind; pungent grief; as, the smart of affliction. ;; A fellow who affects smartness, briskness, and vivacity; a dandy. ;; Smart money (see below). ;; Causing a smart; pungent; pricking; as, a smart stroke or taste. ;; Keen; severe; poignant; as, smart pain. ;; Vigorous; sharp; severe. ;; Accomplishing, or able to accomplish, results quickly; active; sharp; clever. ;; Efficient; vigorous; brilliant. ;; Marked by acuteness or shrewdness; quick in suggestion or reply; vivacious; witty; as, a smart reply; a smart saying. ;; Pretentious; showy; spruce; as, a smart gown. ;; Brisk; fresh; as, a smart breeze.
: Smarted, Smarten, Smarting, Smartle, Smartly, Smartness, Smartweed, Smash, Smashed, Smasher
: Smack, Smacked, Smacking, Small, Smallage, Smallclothes, Smallish, Smallness, Smallpox, Smalls
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary