Vocabulary : Smoterlich to Smoulder

Smoterlich : Dirty; foul.
Smother : That which smothers or causes a sensation of smothering, as smoke, fog, the foam of the sea, a confused multitude of things. ;; To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. ;; To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick covering, as of ashes, of smoke, or the like; as, to smother a fire. ;; Hence, to repress the action of; to cover from public view; to suppress; to conceal; as, to smother one's displeasure. ;; To be suffocated or stifled. ;; To burn slowly, without sufficient air; to smolder. ;; Stifling smoke; thick dust. ;; A state of suppression.
Smothered : of Smother
Smothered mate : Checkmate given when movement of the king is completely obstructed by his own men.
Smotheriness : The quality or state of being smothery.
Smothering : of Smother
Smotheringly : In a smothering manner.
Smothery : Tending to smother; stifling.
Smouch : To kiss closely. ;; To smutch; to soil; as, to smouch the face. ;; A dark soil or stain; a smutch.
Smoulder : To burn and smoke without flame; to waste away by a slow and supressed combustion. ;; To exist in a state of suppressed or smothered activity; to burn inwardly; as, a smoldering feud. ;; To smother; to suffocate; to choke. ;; Smoke; smother. ;; See Smolder.
Next : Smouldered, Smouldering, Smoulderingness, Smouldry, Smudge, Smudged, Smudginess, Smudging, Smug, Smugged
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