Vocabulary : Sneering to Snet
Sneering : of Sneer
Sneeringly : In a sneering manner.
Sneeze : To emit air, chiefly through the nose, audibly and violently, by a kind of involuntary convulsive force, occasioned by irritation of the inner membrane of the nose. ;; A sudden and violent ejection of air with an audible sound, chiefly through the nose.
Sneezed : of Sneeze
Sneezeweed : A yellow-flowered composite plant (Helenium autumnale) the odor of which is said to cause sneezing.
Sneezewood : The wood of a South African tree. See Neishout.
Sneezewort : A European herbaceous plant (Achillea Ptarmica) allied to the yarrow, having a strong, pungent smell.
Sneezing : of Sneeze ;; The act of violently forcing air out through the nasal passages while the cavity of the mouth is shut off from the pharynx by the approximation of the soft palate and the base of the tongue.
Snell : Active; brisk; nimble; quick; sharp. ;; A short line of horsehair, gut, etc., by which a fishhook is attached to a longer line.
Snet : The fat of a deer. ;; The clear of mucus; to blow.
: Snew, Snib, Snick, Snicked, Snicker, Snickered, Snickering, Snicking, Snide, Snider
: Sneathe, Sneb, Sneck, Snecket, Sned, Sneed, Sneer, Sneered, Sneerer, Sneerful
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary