Vocabulary : Snider rifle to Snigg
Snider rifle : Alt. of SniderSniff : To draw air audibly up the nose; to snuff; -- sometimes done as a gesture of suspicion, offense, or contempt. ;; To draw in with the breath through the nose; as, to sniff the air of the country. ;; To perceive as by sniffing; to snuff, to scent; to smell; as, to sniff danger. ;; The act of sniffing; perception by sniffing; that which is taken by sniffing; as, a sniff of air.
Sniffed : of Sniff
Sniffing : of Sniff ;; A rapid inspiratory act, in which the mouth is kept shut and the air drawn in through the nose.
Sniffle : To snuffle, as one does with a catarrh.