Vocabulary : Snooded to Snort
Snooded : Wearing or having a snood.
Snook : To lurk; to lie in ambush. ;; A large perchlike marine food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of tropical America; -- called also ravallia, and robalo. ;; The cobia. ;; The garfish.
Snooze : A short sleep; a nap. ;; To doze; to drowse; to take a short nap; to slumber.
Snoozed : of Snooze
Snoozing : of Snooze
Snore : To breathe with a rough, hoarse, nasal voice in sleep. ;; A harsh nasal noise made in sleep.
Snored : of Snore
Snorer : One who snores.
Snoring : of Snore ;; The act of respiring through the open mouth so that the currents of inspired and expired air cause a vibration of the uvula and soft palate, thus giving rise to a sound more or less harsh. It is usually unvoluntary, but may be produced voluntarily.
Snort : To force the air with violence through the nose, so as to make a noise, as do high-spirited horsed in prancing and play. ;; To snore. ;; To laugh out loudly. ;; The act of snorting; the sound produced in snorting. ;; To expel throught the nostrils with a snort; to utter with a snort.
: Snorted, Snorter, Snorting, Snot, Snotter, Snottery, Snotty, Snout, Snouty, Snow
: Snobbery, Snobbish, Snobbishness, Snobbism, Snobby, Snobling, Snobocracy, Snod, Snoff, Snood
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary