Vocabulary : Sola to Solander
Sola : See Solus. ;; A leguminous plant (Aeschynomene aspera) growing in moist places in Southern India and the East Indies. Its pithlike stem is used for making hats, swimming-jackets, etc. ;; Alone; -- chiefly used in stage directions, and the like.Solace : Comfort in grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety; also, that which relieves in distress; that which cheers or consoles; relief. ;; Rest; relaxation; ease. ;; To cheer in grief or under calamity; to comfort; to relieve in affliction, solitude, or discomfort; to console; -- applied to persons; as, to solace one with the hope of future reward. ;; To allay; to assuage; to soothe; as, to solace grief. ;; To take comfort; to be cheered.
Solaced : of Solace
Solacement : The act of solacing, or the state of being solaced; also, that which solaces.
Solacing : of Solace