Vocabulary : Solen to Solenoglypha
Solen : A cradle, as for a broken limb. See Cradle, 6. ;; Any marine bivalve mollusk belonging to Solen or allied genera of the family Solenidae; a razor shell.
Solenacean : Any species of marine bivalve shells belonging to the family Solenidae.
Solenaceous : Of or pertaining to the solens or family Solenidae.
Soleness : The state of being sole, or alone; singleness.
Solenette : A small European sole (Solea minuta).
Solenoconcha : Same as Scaphopoda.
Solenodon : Either one of two species of singular West Indian insectivores, allied to the tenrec. One species (Solendon paradoxus), native of St. Domingo, is called also agouta; the other (S. Cubanus), found in Cuba, is called almique.
Solenogastra : An order of lowly organized Mollusca belonging to the Isopleura. A narrow groove takes the place of the foot of other gastropods.
Solenoglyph : Pertaining to the Selenoglypha. See Ophidia. ;; One of the Selenoglypha.
Solenoglypha : A suborder of serpents including those which have tubular erectile fangs, as the viper and rattlesnake. See Fang.
: Solenoid, Solenostomi, Soleplate, Soler, Solere, Solert, Solertiousness, Soleship, Sol-fa, Sol-faed
: Solemnity, Solemnizate, Solemnization, Solemnize, Solemnized, Solemnizer, Solemnizing, Solemnly, Solemnness, Solempne
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