Vocabulary : Soliform to Soling

Soliform : Like the sun in form, appearance, or nature; resembling the sun.
Solifugae : A division of arachnids having large, powerful fangs and a segmented abdomen; -- called also Solpugidea, and Solpugides.
Soliitariety : The state of being solitary; solitariness.
Soliitation : The act of soliciting; earnest request; persistent asking; importunity. ;; Excitement; invitation; as, the solicitation of the senses.
Soliloquies : of Soliloquy
Soliloquize : To utter a soliloquy; to talk to one's self.
Soliloquized : of Soliloquize
Soliloquizing : of Soliloquize
Soliloquy : The act of talking to one's self; a discourse made by one in solitude to one's self; monologue. ;; A written composition, reciting what it is supposed a person says to himself.
Soling : of Sole
Next : Soliped, Solipedous, Solipsism, Solisequious, Solitaire, Solitarian, Solitarily, Solitariness, Solitary, Solitude
Previous : Solidist, Solidity, Solidly, Solidness, Solidungula, Solidungular, Solidungulate, Solidungulous, Solifidian, Solifidianism
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