Vocabulary : Solivagant to Solomon
Solivagant : Wandering alone.
Solivagous : Solivagant.
Sollar : See Solar, n. ;; A platform in a shaft, especially one of those between the series of ladders in a shaft. ;; To cover, or provide with, a sollar.
Sollein : Sullen; sad.
Solleret : A flexible steel shoe (or one of the plates forming such a shoe), worn with mediaeval armor.
Solmization : The act of sol-faing.
Solo : Performing, or performed, alone; uncombined, except with subordinate parts, voices, or instruments; not concerted. ;; A tune, air, strain, or a whole piece, played by a single person on an instrument, or sung by a single voice.
Solo whist : A card game played with the full pack ranking as at whist, each player declaring for which of seven different points he proposes to play.
Soloist : One who sings or plays a solo.
Solomon : One of the kings of Israel, noted for his superior wisdom and magnificent reign; hence, a very wise man.
: Solomon's seal, Solon, Solos, Solpugid, Solpugidea, Solstice, Solstitial, Solubility, Soluble, Solubleness
: Soliped, Solipedous, Solipsism, Solisequious, Solitaire, Solitarian, Solitarily, Solitariness, Solitary, Solitude
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary