Vocabulary : Somatic to Somatotropism

Somatic : Of or pertaining to the body as a whole; corporeal; as, somatic death; somatic changes. ;; Of or pertaining to the wall of the body; somatopleuric; parietal; as, the somatic stalk of the yolk sac of an embryo.
Somatical : Somatic.
Somatics : The science which treats of the general properties of matter; somatology.
Somatist : One who admits the existence of material beings only; a materialist.
Somatocyst : A cavity in the primary nectocalyx of certain Siphonophora. See Illust. under Nectocalyx.
Somatology : The science which treats of anatomy and physiology, apart from psychology. ;; The consideration of the physical characters of races and classes of men and of mankind in general. ;; The doctrine or the science of the general properties of material substances; somatics. ;; A treatise on the human body; anatomy.
Somatome : See Somite.
Somatopleure : The outer, or parietal, one of the two lamellae into which the vertebrate blastoderm divides on either side of the notochord, and from which the walls of the body and the amnion are developed. See Splanchnopleure.
Somatopleuric : Of or pertaining to the somatopleure.
Somatotropism : A directive influence exercised by a mass of matter upon growing organs.
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