Vocabulary : Somewhile to Somnambulator
Somewhile : Once; for a time.
Somewhither : To some indeterminate place; to some place or other.
Somite : One of the actual or ideal serial segments of which an animal, esp. an articulate or vertebrate, is is composed; somatome; metamere.
Sommeil : Slumber; sleep.
Sommerset : See Somersault.
Sommonour : A summoner.
Somnambular : Of or pertaining to somnambulism; somnambulistic.
Somnambulate : To walk when /sleep.
Somnambulation : The act of walking in sleep.
Somnambulator : A somnambulist.
: Somnambule, Somnambulic, Somnambulism, Somnambulist, Somnambulistic, Somne, Somner, Somnial, Somniative, Somniatory
: Somedeal, Somehow, Somersault, Somerset, Something, Sometime, Sometimes, Somewhat, Somewhen, Somewhere
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary