Vocabulary : Sorbate to Sorbonical
Sorbate : A salt of sorbic acid.
Sorbefacient : Producing absorption. ;; A medicine or substance which produces absorption.
Sorbent : An absorbent.
Sorbet : A kind of beverage; sherbet.
Sorbic : Pertaining to, or obtained from, the rowan tree, or sorb; specifically, designating an acid, C/H/CO/H, of the acetylene series, found in the unripe berries of this tree, and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
Sorbile : Fit to be drunk or sipped.
Sorbin : An unfermentable sugar, isomeric with glucose, found in the ripe berries of the rowan tree, or sorb, and extracted as a sweet white crystalline substance; -- called also mountain-ash sugar.
Sorbite : A sugarlike substance, isomeric with mannite and dulcite, found with sorbin in the ripe berries of the sorb, and extracted as a sirup or a white crystalline substance.
Sorbition : The act of drinking or sipping.
Sorbonical : Belonging to the Sorbonne or to a Sorbonist.
: Sorbonist, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sorceries, Sorcering, Sorcerous, Sorcery, Sord, Sordes, Sordet
: Soppy, Sopra, Soprani, Sopranist, Soprano, Sopranos, Sopsavine, Sora, Sorance, Sorb
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary