Vocabulary : Spancelled to Spangling

Spancelled : of Spancel
Spancelling : of Spancel
Spandogs : A pair of grappling dogs for hoisting logs and timber.
Spandrel : The irregular triangular space between the curve of an arch and the inclosing right angle; or the space between the outer moldings of two contiguous arches and a horizontal line above them, or another arch above and inclosing them. ;; A narrow mat or passe partout for a picture.
Spane : To wean.
Spang : To spangle. ;; To spring; to bound; to leap. ;; A bound or spring. ;; A spangle or shining ornament.
Spangle : A small plate or boss of shining metal; something brilliant used as an ornament, especially when stitched on the dress. ;; Figuratively, any little thing that sparkless. ;; To set or sprinkle with, or as with, spangles; to adorn with small, distinct, brilliant bodies; as, a spangled breastplate. ;; To show brilliant spots or points; to glisten; to glitter.
Spangled : of Spangle
Spangler : One who, or that which, spangles.
Spangling : of Spangle
Next : Spangly, Spaniard, Spaniel, Spanish, Spank, Spanked, Spanker, Spanking, Spanking breeze, Spanless
Previous : Spall, Spalpeen, Spalt, Spalting knife, Span, Spanaemia, Spanaemic, Spancel, Spanceled, Spanceling
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