Vocabulary : Spearmen to Specialist
Spearmen : of Spearman
Spearmint : A species of mint (Mentha viridis) growing in moist soil. It vields an aromatic oil. See Mint, and Mentha.
Spearwood : An Australian tree (Acacia Doratoxylon), and its tough wood, used by the natives for spears.
Spearwort : A name given to several species of crowfoot (Ranunculus) which have spear-shaped leaves.
Speary : Having the form of a spear.
Spece : Species; kind.
Specht : A woodpecker.
Special : Of or pertaining to a species; constituting a species or sort. ;; Particular; peculiar; different from others; extraordinary; uncommon. ;; Appropriate; designed for a particular purpose, occasion, or person; as, a special act of Parliament or of Congress; a special sermon. ;; Limited in range; confined to a definite field of action, investigation, or discussion; as, a special dictionary of commercial terms; a special branch of study. ;; Chief in excellence. ;; A particular. ;; One appointed for a special service or occasion.
Specialism : Devotion to a particular and restricted part or branch of knowledge, art, or science; as, medical specialism.
Specialist : One who devotes himself to some specialty; as, a medical specialist, one who devotes himself to diseases of particular parts of the body, as the eye, the ear, the nerves, etc.
: Specialities, Speciality, Specialization, Specialize, Specially, Specialties, Specialty, Specie, Species, Specifiable
: Speaker, Speakership, Speaking, Spear, Speared, Spearer, Spearfish, Spearhead, Spearing, Spearman
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