Vocabulary : Spirometer to Spiry
Spirometer : An instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs, or the volume of air which can be expelled from the chest after the deepest possible inspiration. Cf. Pneumatometer.
Spirometry : The act or process of measuring the chest capacity by means of a spirometer.
Spiroscope : A wet meter used to determine the breathing capacity of the lungs.
Spiroylic : Alt. of Spiroylous
Spiroylous : Pertaining to, or designating, a substance now called salicylal.
Spirt : Same as Spurt.
Spirtle : To spirt in a scattering manner.
Spirula : A genus of cephalopods having a multilocular, internal, siphunculated shell in the form of a flat spiral, the coils of which are not in contact.
Spirulate : Having the color spots, or structural parts, arranged spirally.
Spiry : Of a spiral form; wreathed; curled; serpentine. ;; Of or pertaining to a spire; like a spire, tall, slender, and tapering; abounding in spires; as, spiry turrets.
: Spiss, Spissated, Spissitude, Spit, Spit ball, Spit curl, Spital, Spitalhouse, Spitball, Spitbox
: Spiritualty, Spirituosity, Spirituous, Spirituousness, Spirketing, Spirling, Spirobacteria, Spirochaeta, Spirochaete, Spirograph
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary