Vocabulary : Sprug to Spuller
Sprug : To make smart.
Sprung : of Spring ;; of Spring ;; imp. & p. p. of Spring. ;; Said of a spar that has been cracked or strained.
Sprunt : To spring up; to germinate; to spring forward or outward. ;; Anything short and stiff. ;; A leap; a spring. ;; A steep ascent in a road. ;; Active; lively; vigorous.
Spruntly : In a sprunt manner; smartly; vigorously; youthfully.
Spry : Having great power of leaping or running; nimble; active.
Spud : A potato. ;; A sharp, narrow spade, usually with a long handle, used by farmers for digging up large-rooted weeds; a similarly shaped implement used for various purposes. ;; A dagger. ;; Anything short and thick; specifically, a piece of dough boiled in fat.
Spue : See Spew.
Spuilzie : See Spulzie.
Spuke : See Spook.
Spuller : One employed to inspect yarn, to see that it is well spun, and fit for the loom.
: Spulzie, Spume, Spumed, Spumeous, Spumescence, Spumescent, Spumid, Spumiferous, Spuminess, Spuming
: Sprocket wheel, Sprod, Sprong, Sprout, Sprouted, Sprouting, Spruce, Spruced, Sprucing, Sprue
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary