Vocabulary : Stabber to Stabled

Stabber : One who, or that which, stabs; a privy murderer. ;; A small marline spike; a pricker.
Stabbing : of Stab
Stabbingly : By stabbing; with intent to injure covertly.
Stabiliment : The act of making firm; firm support; establishment.
Stabilitate : To make stable; to establish.
Stability : The state or quality of being stable, or firm; steadiness; firmness; strength to stand without being moved or overthrown; as, the stability of a structure; the stability of a throne or a constitution. ;; Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose; the quality opposite to fickleness, irresolution, or inconstancy; constancy; steadfastness; as, a man of little stability, or of unusual stability. ;; Fixedness; -- as opposed to fluidity.
Stable : So placed as to resist forces tending to cause motion; of such structure as to resist distortion or molecular or chemical disturbance; -- said of any body or substance. ;; Firmly established; not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown; fixed; as, a stable government. ;; Steady in purpose; constant; firm in resolution; not easily diverted from a purpose; not fickle or wavering; as, a man of stable character. ;; Durable; not subject to overthrow or change; firm; as, a stable foundation; a stable position. ;; To fix; to establish. ;; A house, shed, or building, for beasts to lodge and feed in; esp., a building or apartment with stalls, for horses; as, a horse stable; a cow stable. ;; To put or keep in a stable. ;; To dwell or lodge in a stable; to dwell in an inclosed place; to kennel.
Stable stand : The position of a man who is found at his standing in the forest, with a crossbow or a longbow bent, ready to shoot at a deer, or close by a tree with greyhounds in a leash ready to slip; -- one of the four presumptions that a man intends stealing the king's deer.
Stableboy : Alt. of Stableman
Stabled : of Stable
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