Vocabulary : Starfish to Starlight
Starfish : Any one of numerous species of echinoderms belonging to the class Asterioidea, in which the body is star-shaped and usually has five rays, though the number of rays varies from five to forty or more. The rays are often long, but are sometimes so short as to appear only as angles to the disklike body. Called also sea star, five-finger, and stellerid. ;; The dollar fish, or butterfish.Stargaser : One who gazes at the stars; an astrologer; sometimes, in derision or contempt, an astronomer. ;; Any one of several species of spiny-rayed marine fishes belonging to Uranoscopus, Astroscopus, and allied genera, of the family Uranoscopidae. The common species of the Eastern United States are Astroscopus anoplus, and A. guttatus. So called from the position of the eyes, which look directly upward.
Stargasing : The act or practice of observing the stars with attention; contemplation of the stars as connected with astrology or astronomy. ;; Hence, absent-mindedness; abstraction.
staring : of Stare
Staringly : With a staring look.