Vocabulary : Stereotypery to Sterility
Stereotypery : The art, process, or employment of making stereotype plates. ;; A place where stereotype plates are made; a stereotype foundry.
Stereotypic : Of or pertaining to stereotype, or stereotype plates.
Stereotyping : of Stereotype
Stereotypist : A stereotyper.
Stereotypographer : A stereotype printer.
Stereotypography : The act or art of printing from stereotype plates.
Stereotypy : The art or process of making stereotype plates.
Sterhydraulic : Pertaining to, or designating, a kind of hydraulic press; resembling such a press in action or principle.
Sterile : Producing little or no crop; barren; unfruitful; unproductive; not fertile; as, sterile land; a sterile desert; a sterile year. ;; Incapable of reproduction; unfitted for reproduction of offspring; not able to germinate or bear fruit; unfruitful; as, a sterile flower, which bears only stamens. ;; Free from reproductive spores or germs; as, a sterile fluid. ;; Fig.: Barren of ideas; destitute of sentiment; as, a sterile production or author.
Sterility : The quality or condition of being sterile. ;; Quality of being sterile; infecundity; also, the state of being free from germs or spores.
: Sterilization, Sterilize, Sterilized, Sterilizer, Sterilizing, Sterlet, Sterling, Stern, Sterna, Sternage
: Stereoscopical, Stereoscopist, Stereoscopy, Stereostatic, Stereotomic, Stereotomical, Stereotomy, Stereotype, Stereotyped, Stereotyper
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary