Vocabulary : Sternum to Sterre
Sternum : A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or cartilaginous plates or segments, in the median line of the pectoral skeleton of most vertebrates above fishes; the breastbone. ;; The ventral part of any one of the somites of an arthropod.
Sternums : of Sternum
Sternutation : The act of sneezing.
Sternutative : Having the quality of provoking to sneeze.
Sternutatory : Sternutative. ;; A sternutatory substance or medicine.
Sternway : The movement of a ship backward, or with her stern foremost.
Stern-wheel : Having a paddle wheel at the stern; as, a stern-wheel steamer.
Stern-wheeler : A steamboat having a stern wheel instead of side wheels.
Sterquilinous : Pertaining to a dunghill; hence, mean; dirty; paltry.
Sterre : A star.
: Sterrink, Sterrometal, Stert, Sterte, Stertorious, Stertorous, Sterve, Stet, Stethal, Stethograph
: Sternness, Sterno-, Sternocoracoid, Sternocostal, Sternohyoid, Sternomastoid, Sternothyroid, Sternpost, Sternsman, Sternson
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary