Vocabulary : Stiffened to Stifftail

Stiffened : of Stiffen
Stiffener : One who, or that which, stiffens anything, as a piece of stiff cloth in a cravat.
Stiffening : of Stiffen ;; Act or process of making stiff. ;; Something used to make anything stiff.
Stiff-hearted : Obstinate; stubborn; contumacious.
Stiffish : Somewhat stiff.
Stiffly : In a stiff manner.
Stiff-necked : Stubborn; inflexibly obstinate; contumacious; as, stiff-necked pride; a stiff-necked people.
Stiff-neckedness : The quality or state of being stiff-necked; stubbornness.
Stiffness : The quality or state of being stiff; as, the stiffness of cloth or of paste; stiffness of manner; stiffness of character.
Stifftail : The ruddy duck.
Next : Stiff-tailed, Stifle, Stifled, Stifler, Stifling, Stigma, Stigmaria, Stigmas, Stigmata, Stigmatic
Previous : Stick-seed, Sticktail, Stick-tight, Sticky, Stiddy, Stied, Sties, Stiff, Stiff-backed, Stiffen
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