Vocabulary : Stime to Stimulator
Stime : A slight gleam or glimmer; a glimpse.Stimey : Alt. of Stimie
Stimie : See Stymie.
Stimulant : Serving to stimulate. ;; Produced increased vital action in the organism, or in any of its parts. ;; That which stimulates, provokes, or excites. ;; An agent which produces a temporary increase of vital activity in the organism, or in any of its parts; -- sometimes used without qualification to signify an alcoholic beverage used as a stimulant.
Stimulate : To excite as if with a goad; to excite, rouse, or animate, to action or more vigorous exertion by some pungent motive or by persuasion; as, to stimulate one by the hope of reward, or by the prospect of glory. ;; To excite; to irritate; especially, to excite the activity of (a nerve or an irritable muscle), as by electricity.