Vocabulary : Stirious to Stirrer
Stirious : Resembling icicles.
Stirk : A young bullock or heifer.
Stirless : Without stirring; very quiet; motionless.
Stirp : Stock; race; family.
Stirpes : of Stirps
Stirpiculture : The breeding of special stocks or races.
Stirps : Stock; race; family. ;; A race, or a fixed and permanent variety.
Stirrage : The act of stirring; stir; commotion.
Stirred : of Stir
Stirrer : One who, or that which, stirs something; also, one who moves about, especially after sleep; as, an early stirrer.
: Stirring, Stirrup, Stirt, Stirte, Stitch, Stitched, Stitchel, Stitcher, Stitchery, Stitching
: Stipulate, Stipulated, Stipulating, Stipulation, Stipulator, Stipule, Stipuled, Stir, Stirabout, Stiriated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary