Vocabulary : Stockdove to Stockjobber

Stockdove : A common European wild pigeon (Columba aenas), so called because at one time believed to be the stock of the domestic pigeon, or, according to some, from its breeding in the stocks, or trunks, of trees.
Stocked : of Stock
Stocker : One who makes or fits stocks, as of guns or gun carriages, etc.
Stockfish : Salted and dried fish, especially codfish, hake, ling, and torsk; also, codfish dried without being salted. ;; Young fresh cod.
Stockholder : One who is a holder or proprietor of stock in the public funds, or in the funds of a bank or other stock company.
Stockinet : An elastic textile fabric imitating knitting, of which stockings, under-garments, etc., are made.
Stocking : Any of various things resembling, or likened to, a stocking; as: (a) A broad ring of color, differing from the general color, on the lower part of the leg of a quadruped; esp., a white ring between the coronet and the hock or knee of a dark-colored horse. (b) A knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted by a special process into an incandescent mantle for gas lighting. ;; of Stock ;; A close-fitting covering for the foot and leg, usually knit or woven. ;; To dress in GBs.
Stockinger : A stocking weaver.
Stockish : Like a stock; stupid; blockish.
Stockjobber : One who speculates in stocks for gain; one whose occupation is to buy and sell stocks. In England a jobber acts as an intermediary between brokers.
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