Vocabulary : Stramazoun to Strangely

Stramazoun : A direct descending blow with the edge of a sword.
Stramineous : Strawy; consisting of straw. ;; Chaffy; like straw; straw-colored.
Stramonium : A poisonous plant (Datura Stramonium); stinkweed. See Datura, and Jamestown weed.
Stramony : Stramonium.
Strand : One of the twists, or strings, as of fibers, wires, etc., of which a rope is composed. ;; To break a strand of (a rope). ;; The shore, especially the beach of a sea, ocean, or large lake; rarely, the margin of a navigable river. ;; To drive on a strand; hence, to run aground; as, to strand a ship. ;; To drift, or be driven, on shore to run aground; as, the ship stranded at high water.
Stranded : of Strand
Stranding : of Strand
Strang : Strong.
Strange : Belonging to another country; foreign. ;; Of or pertaining to others; not one's own; not pertaining to one's self; not domestic. ;; Not before known, heard, or seen; new. ;; Not according to the common way; novel; odd; unusual; irregular; extraordinary; unnatural; queer. ;; Reserved; distant in deportment. ;; Backward; slow. ;; Not familiar; unaccustomed; inexperienced. ;; Strangely. ;; To alienate; to estrange. ;; To be estranged or alienated. ;; To wonder; to be astonished.
Strangely : As something foreign, or not one's own; in a manner adapted to something foreign and strange. ;; In the manner of one who does not know another; distantly; reservedly; coldly. ;; In a strange manner; in a manner or degree to excite surprise or wonder; wonderfully.
Next : Strangeness, Stranger, Strangle, Strangle hold, Strangleable, Strangled, Strangler, Strangles, Strangling, Strangulate
Previous : Strait-jacket, Strait-laced, Straitly, Straitness, Straits, Strait-waistcoat, Strake, Strale, Stram, Stramash
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