Vocabulary : Strategetical to Strath
Strategetical : Strategic.
Strategetics : Strategy.
Strategi : of Strategus
Strategic : Alt. of Strategical
Strategical : Of or pertaining to strategy; effected by artifice.
Strategics : Strategy.
Strategist : One skilled in strategy, or the science of directing great military movements.
Strategus : The leader or commander of an army; a general.
Strategy : The science of military command, or the science of projecting campaigns and directing great military movements; generalship. ;; The use of stratagem or artifice.
Strath : A valley of considerable size, through which a river runs; a valley bottom; -- often used in composition with the name of the river; as, Strath Spey, Strathdon, Strathmore.
: Strathspey, Straticulate, Stratification, Stratified, Stratiform, Stratify, Stratifying, Stratigraphic, Stratigraphical, Stratigraphy
: Strapping, Strapple, Strap-shaped, Strapwork, Strass, Strata, Stratagem, Stratagemical, Stratarithmetry, Strategetic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary