Vocabulary : Subashship to Sub-bass
Subashship : The office or jurisdiction of a subahdar.
Subastral : Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial.
Subastringent : Somewhat astringent.
Subatom : A hypothetical component of a chemical atom, on the theory that the elements themselves are complex substances; -- called also atomicule.
Subaud : To understand or supply in an ellipsis.
Subaudition : The act of understanding, or supplying, something not expressed; also, that which is so understood or supplied.
Subaxillary : Situated under the axilla, or armpit. ;; Placed under the axil, or angle formed by the branch of a plant with the stem, or a leaf with the branch.
Subbasal : Near the base.
Sub-base : The lowest member of a base when divided horizontally, or of a baseboard, pedestal, or the like.
Sub-bass : The deepest pedal stop, or the lowest tones of an organ; the fundamental or ground bass.
: Subbeadle, Subbrachial, Subbrachiales, Subbrachian, Subbreed, Subbronchial, Subcaliber, Subcarbonate, Subcarboniferous, Subcarbureted
: Subarachnoid, Subarachnoidal, Subarctic, Subarcuate, Subarcuated, Subarration, Subarytenoid, Subash, Subashdar, Subashdary
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary