Vocabulary : Subdue to Subeditor

Subdue : To bring under; to conquer by force or the exertion of superior power, and bring into permanent subjection; to reduce under dominion; to vanquish. ;; To overpower so as to disable from further resistance; to crush. ;; To destroy the force of; to overcome; as, medicines subdue a fever. ;; To render submissive; to bring under command; to reduce to mildness or obedience; to tame; as, to subdue a stubborn child; to subdue the temper or passions. ;; To overcome, as by persuasion or other mild means; as, to subdue opposition by argument or entreaties. ;; To reduce to tenderness; to melt; to soften; as, to subdue ferocity by tears. ;; To make mellow; to break, as land; also, to destroy, as weeds. ;; To reduce the intensity or degree of; to tone down; to soften; as, to subdue the brilliancy of colors.
Subdued : of Subdue ;; Conquered; overpowered; crushed; submissive; mild. ;; Not glaring in color; soft in tone.
Subduement : Subdual.
Subduer : One who, or that which, subdues; a conqueror.
Subduing : of Subdue
Subdulcid : Somewhat sweet; sweetish.
Subduple : Indicating one part of two; in the ratio of one to two.
Subduplicate : Expressed by the square root; -- said of ratios.
Subdural : Situated under the dura mater, or between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane.
Subeditor : An assistant editor, as of a periodical or journal.
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