Vocabulary : Subnasal to Subobtuse
Subnasal : Situated under the nose; as, the subnasal point, or the middle point of the inferior border of the anterior nasal aperture.
Subnascent : Growing underneath.
Subnect : To tie or fasten beneath; to join beneath.
Subnex : To subjoin; to subnect.
Subnormal : That part of the axis of a curved line which is intercepted between the ordinate and the normal.
Subnotation : A rescript.
Subnotochordal : Situated on the ventral side of the notochord; as, the subnotochordal rod.
Subnuvolar : Under the clouds; attended or partly covered or obscured by clouds; somewhat cloudy.
Subobscurely : Somewhat obscurely or darkly.
Subobtuse : Partially obtuse.
: Suboccipital, Suboctave, Suboctuple, Subocular, Subofficer, Subopercular, Suboperculum, Suborbicular, Suborbiculate, Suborbital
: Submit, Submitted, Submitter, Submitting, Submonish, Submonition, Submucous, Submultiple, Submuscular, Subnarcotic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary