Vocabulary : Subpeduncular to Subpleural
Subpeduncular : Situated beneath the peduncle; as, the subpeduncular lobe of the cerebellum.
Subpedunculate : Supported on, or growing from, a very short stem; having a short peduncle.
Subpellucid : Somewhat pellucid; nearly pellucid.
Subpena : See Subpoena.
Subpentangular : Nearly or approximately pentangular; almost pentangular.
Subpericardial : Situated under the cardiac pericardium.
Subperiosteal : Situated under the periosteum.
Subperitoneal : Situated under the peritoneal membrane.
Subpetiolar : Concealed within the base of the petiole, as the leaf buds of the plane tree.
Subpleural : Situated under the pleural membrane.
: Subpodophyllous, Subpoena, Subpoenaed, Subpoenaing, Subpoenal, Subpolar, Subpolygonal, Subprehensile, Subprior, Subpubic
: Subordinative, Suborn, Subornation, Suborned, Suborner, Suborning, Suboval, Subovate, Subovated, Suboxide
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary