Vocabulary : Subsinnation to Subsoil
Subsinnation : The act of writing the name under something, as for attestation.Subsist : To be; to have existence; to inhere. ;; To continue; to retain a certain state. ;; To be maintained with food and clothing; to be supported; to live. ;; To support with provisions; to feed; to maintain; as, to subsist one's family.
Subsisted : of Subsist
Subsistence : Real being; existence. ;; Inherency; as, the subsistence of qualities in bodies. ;; That which furnishes support to animal life; means of support; provisions, or that which produces provisions; livelihood; as, a meager subsistence. ;; Same as Hypostasis, 2.
Subsistence Department : A staff department of the United States army charged, under the supervision of the Chief of Staff, with the purchasing and issuing to the army of such supplies as make up the ration. It also supplies, for authorized sales, certain articles of food and other minor stores. It is commanded by any officer of the rank of brigadier general, called commissary general, and the department is popularly called the Commissary Department.